Hi! I'm Kannika :)

 Welcome to my website

      Kannika Kabilar

About Me

Hi! I am incredibly thankful that you have taken the time to visit my website and learn more about me. Keeping UI/UX in mind, I designed this portfolio site to enhance your viewing experience on any type of device. Without further ado, let me introduce myself.

My name is Kannika Kabilar. I'm an expectation-exceeding Software Engineer who also has specialized skills on working with DevOps Tools. I like to code ideas that help advance, and solve problems in business applications. I graduated from University of Toronto with a degree in Honors Bachelor of Science at the Distinction level. I specialized in Computer Science and completed a minor in Mathematics. I am currently working as a Software Engineer at Broadridge. In my free time, I like to learn about space exploration and astrophysics. I am always looking for opportunities to learn and apply new skills.

Work Experience


  • Sr. Software Engineer, May 2023 - present

- Appreciated for containerizing 5 major applications using Docker and automating CI/CD pipelines with Jenkins and GitHub Actions, increasing deployment rate by 33%

- Implemented RESTful API endpoints in both Express / Node.js and Spring Boot / Java for Trade Management Applications and deployed services to AWS EC2

- Worked with SRE to develop IaaC using Terraform to perform configuration on pre-prod pods

- Developed a responsive frontend for Tax Web Application using React /JavaScript which was served from AWS S3

- Presented scalable implementations of full stack features and demos to product managers and Enterprise Directors

Skills: Docker, JavaScript, Java, CI/CD, RESTful APIs, AWS, Kubernetes, Terraform, GitHub Actions


  • DevOps Support Specialist, Jun 2022 - Apr 2023

- Completed over 200 JIRA tickets that focus on developing features for client webpages using Java, JavaScript, React, jQuery, AJAX, and HTML DOM

- Architected the transition of SaaS application (Testing Suite) on AWS, utilizing AWS Lambda for serverless computing and achieving global availability

- Designed algorithms to differentiate PROD data from Test data and created Python scripts using Pandas that read, write and, update data to CSV files

- Recognized for writing SQL and MongoDB scripts that execute CRUD commands to cleanup PROD data from lower environments, increasing cleanup rate by 66%

- Collaborated in Agile teams, designed Kanban for sprint planning, participated in daily stand-ups, and presented deliverables at sprint reviews

Skills: JavaScript, Java, AWS, Pandas Python, SQL, MongoDB, Jira, Kanban

TD Financial Bank

  • IT Analyst III, Jun 2021 - Jun 2022
TD Bank

- Automated execution of Linux commands with a Python script to monitor the health of AIX servers, decreasing outage of applications by 74%

- Built OAuth Access tokens with Revocation Endpoint for RFC7009, mitigating intercepting attackers

- Worked on over 40 change tickets, for deployment of application updates (patch/bug-fixes, new-features, API-changes) and conducted code reviews to ensure compliance to coding standards

- Collaborated with developers to execute builds and prepare for application releases and utilized Postman to test API requests and data validation

Skills: Python, Linux, OAuth, Postman, ServiceNow


  • Student Developer, May 2018 - Aug 2020

- Built Autosuggest Search microservice that loads results as the user types, through using optimized MongoDB queries implemented in a C#.NET application

- Designed APIs for applications that require users to signup

- Automated regression testing of 6 web applications using Selenium WebDriver and TestNG in Java

Skills: Java, MongoDB, C#, .NET Framework, API, Selenium WebDriver

Trillium Health Partners

  • Administrative Support (volunteer),
    Aug 2015 - Jun 2017

- Managed and retrieved information records on Trillium computer systems
- Handled data entry, patients' health record updates and lookup for staffs
- Organized appointments and meetings based on schedules


University of Toronto

  • Honors Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, 2017-2021

- GPA: 3.88/4.0
- University of Toronto's Dean's List Scholar
- UofT Honor Roll
- Organized and led a Facilitated Study Group for courses: Linear Algebra (MAT223), Formal Methods and Software Design (CSC465)

Member of the Following UofT Student Organizations
Google Developer Student Club

Google developer student club helps students learn and utilize google technologies to build solutions for businesses and community. As a member of this club, I was part of the Solution Challenge Team, where I worked with technological resources that can help end poverty (one of the 17 sustainable development goals of the UN). I helped with the Donation-Match project to provide a intermediary platform for companies and its users to securely donate and provide up-to-date details on the amount reached. View here

Artificial Intelligence Student Group

     U of T AI is an organization run by students to expand AI access and emphasize its importance for social good. As a member, I am primarily involved in researching about revolutionary and cutting-edge technolgies. I've participated in Project X events researching on how AI can be developed into the health care field. I have also helped with the planning of AI-based startups and deploying ideas into programs. View here

Women in Computer Science & Mathematics

     WiCSM promotes women pursuing education and careers in computer science, mathematics, technology, and engineering fields. A primary objective is to provide each other guidance and support needed to succeed in achieving our ambitions while decreasing the gender gap. As a member, I’ve been on both sides of the team: receiving as well as giving which is constantly highlighted, as senior members assist juniors with course work and preparation for industrial work. View here


JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML DOM & CSS, Java, C#, C, C++, Python, MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Bash Shell Scripting, Assembly x86

React, Angular, Node.js, Express.js, Spring Boot, ASP.NET, Django, Pandas

YAML, Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, Terraform, GitHub Actions, Ansible, GitOps

AWS Infrastructure, JSON, jQuery, AJAX, Maven, Gradle, Jira, ServiceNow, Postman, TestNG, Linux

Scrum planning using Kanban, Working in Agile teams, Presenting Deliverables

English (proficient), French (intermediate), Spanish (intermediate), Tamil (native)


Checkout some exciting projects that I have worked on!

(MongoDB, React, Express.js, Node.js, RESTful API, JWT Authentication)

JournalPage is a MERN-stack social media app that allows users to post and share reviews about products, services, and organizations. View JournalPage

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ReactJS was used in the frontend to respond for their input
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User info gets stored in User collection DB in mongoDB
3 / 5
Users can search for posts where query is built based on user's input and responsively updates the results through React
4 / 5
Users can view all posts in their feed page which is displayed using queried results from Post collection DB in mongo DB
5 / 5
Users can view and edit their profile which is updated using queries to User collection DB in mongo DB

(CI/CD Integration, AI Framework: Random Forest Algorithm, Docker, GitHub Actions)

A Developer tool that provides metrics and suggestions for each Software-Development-Lifecycle to reduce carbon footprints. View EcoVision

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Developer's Interface
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Developer's Interface
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Application Dashboard
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Application Dashboard
5 / 7
Won 1st place among 41 teams
6 / 7
Hackathon Podium
7 / 7
Ecovision Memebers and Hackathon Mentors Group Picture

I implemented my version of ChatGPT: SmartChat using OpenAI's API. Information is sent and received using functions implemented in JavaScript with Node and Express used for backend and Vanilla used for frontend. View ChatGPT: SmartChat

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Elegant User Interface that enhances the ChatGPT app designed using VanillaJS & Vite
2 / 5
Can be modified to chat with any of OpenAI's trained models
3 / 5
Communication with ChatGPT model API: Sending API requests and handling API responses
4 / 5
jQuery is used to handle form submission
5 / 5
Render markdown from message string

(React: Hooks, useRef, function components, page routing, state management context API | Syncfusion UI)

I built an advanced admin dashboard using React. Completely responsive and mobile friendly. It utilizes React Hooks & components, and Syncfusion for UI components. View KanDash

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Home page rendered from JavaScript's React
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Events in calendar can be created and edited
3 / 5
Kanban desinged to keep track of prject's progress
4 / 5
Color Mapping graph with smooth UI
5 / 5
The entire app is mobile friendly and completely responsive

(C# | ASP.NET | MVC | SQL: CRUD ops on profiles & posts | Entity Framework | Razor Forms | Bootstrap classes)

A web app that allows users to share tech posts. The app is built using ASP.NET core in C# and it implements MVC design pattern. SQL is used to store and access records in database. View IQTech

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Welcome Home page built using ASP.NET
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IQTech Posts page displayed using SQL queries to the database
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IQTech posts can be searched where SQL queries will fetch data found in database
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Users can create an IQTech post inserting a record into the PostsDB
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Users can view other IQTech posts

(Python & Django | SQLite: CRUD ops for student profiles | Frontend: HTML & CSS)

A signup app that allows University of Toronto students to join the Google Developer Student Club. It is implemented using Python's Django Framework, HTML and, CSS. View UofT GDSC Signup App

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Home page to invite students to join
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Signup form where record for student is created and their email gets validated
3 / 5
Table displayed using queries to the SQLite database
4 / 5
Students can update their profiles while SQLite queries update records in database
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Admins can make modifications to each enrolled member

(Angular: pipes, data & event binding, ngIf & ngFor | Formgroup for form validation)

An ecommerce website for selling bakery goods. It is coded using Angular15 framework for frontend. View KanCakes

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Angular pipes are used to switch prices between CAD and USD
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Angular's Data Binding is used to change and show more images
3 / 5
Angular's Event Binding was used to detect when the user starts typing
4 / 5
Angular's ngFor was used to loop through previous Customer reviews
5 / 5
Angular's FormGroups were used to validate signup form

(Python | Web Sockets: TCP | Client-Server Model | Threading)

A program that allows you to play Wordle while chatting with friends. It is implemented using the client-server architecture with Python's websockets. View Chatle

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A sample view of playing Chatle
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A sample view of playing Chatle
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A sample view of playing Chatle
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A sample view of playing Chatle

(C | Multi-Threading & Synchronization | Mutex Locks)

A collection of projects relating to OS concepts: CPU Synchronization, Multithreading, RAM Page Handling, Handling Batch Jobs. View Operating System Activities

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Multi-level feedback queue, CPU scheduling algorithm designed to order process execution with the least amount of response and wait times
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Synchronize calculation of Fibonnacci and Lucas using fork() and execl() to call multiple CPU processes
3 / 4
RAM Page Swapping Algorithm Performance Comparison
4 / 4
Batch OS that can execute a set of programming files

(Assembly x86 | Logisim Circuits)

Collection of projects implemented using the low-level Assembly language and circuits that I have designed using Logisim that depicts the various functionality of a processor. View Logisim Circuits and Assembly Activities

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8-Bit CPU that can calculate fibonacci sequence or any other formulated sequence
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8-Bit Register: Used for storing 8-Bit values as input changes
3 / 5
32-Bit ALU: can perform addition, subtraction, bitwise AND, bitwise OR
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Performs 32-bit Addition using assembly
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Calculator built using assembly

(Java: Javafx, JFrame)

A Java application, that allows companies to present their service and products online for their consumers. GUI: JavaFx; Design Pattern: Model-View-Controller. View KanDash

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A virtual menu that updates your receipt as you make your order

Thank you for visiting! Please contact me for suitable opportunities.